First time, First place! First time to partiipate for a InterUniversity Hackathon. Organized by University of Ruhuna in partner of UNDP and ICTA(Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka). Glad we won the First Place from Colombo Sector!
Inventio was an Innovation competition for Undergraduates for all state universities organized by University of Kelaniya. We were glad to win be the 2nd Runners Up in Technology Sector
Appointed as the Vice Precident to the Industrial Management Science Students Accociation(IMSSA) in University of Kelaniya in the General Meeting took place in Department of Industrial Management 2017
Incubation Programme for the Winners from the HackaDev to give the guide to start their own startup. It was great opportunity for us to learn about Entrepreneurship and lot more!
Selected as a Microsoft Student Partner (MSP) in 2017. There were 13 MSP's from Sri Lanka and glad to be one of them! MSP act as Campus Representatives for the Microsoft and our main job is sharing emerging trends with colleguees and introducing Micosoft tools like Azure to get it done easier!
Developed a system by myself to showcase and teach the ability of computer vision and depth sensors to track human motions and respond to them accordingly using an interactive virtual tiger at 'เทเทเถฏเทโเถบเท' Vidya Science Exhibition of University of Kelaniya
Second time to be a Winner in an InterUniversity Hackathon. Got a Cash prize of LKR30,000 for the team
Got an Opportunity to Volunteer in Google I/O Extended 2018 held in Colombo.This was a great opportunity to network with lots of Tech enthusiastics and tech expertists
Third Hackathon competed. Unifortunately we had to satisfy from SemiFinals. This was a Two day hackathon held on Hotel Taj Samudra and Hotel Kingsburry
Fourth InterUniversity Hackathon. We were came until QuarterFinals
Got an opportunity to held a public meetup in Microsoft premises. The Session was about creating chat bots using Microsoft Bot Framework and about Language Understanding Intelligent Service(LUIS). There were about 50 attendees for the session and complete it successfully
Won the 10th place from Sampath Green Inventor Innovation competion organized by Sampath Bank Sri Lanka
Got an opportunity to conduct a session about Cuebots and Microbits to the audience with different backgrounds.
Completed an Excellent Internship in Software Engineering at Creative Software, Sri Lanka. Worked in Mobile Project with a Norwigian Client. We used Xamarin.Forms to build the Mobile app for both Android and iOS
Played in Coders League organized by ISMAPAC and won0 2nd runners up position
Got an opportunity to visit Sydney Micosoft Office, Australia
Selected to participate the MSP Summit in Australia as the only Representative from Sri Lanka
Got chance to compete in a open Hack as team or individuals and luckyly we got the First Place with a cash price of USD500
Participated to the Imagine Cup regional finals in Sydney and gathered so many Information about the awesome projects they were working on and had time to network with competitors form Asia Pacific Region
With the MSP summit tour got an opportunity to attend Micosoft Ignite | The Tour which is an annual conference for developers and IT professionals hosted by Microsoft, offers opportunities to meet Microsoft experts, MVPs and community members. Networking is enhanced through parties, community areas and "Ask the Expert"sessions.
Initiated the MS Club in Univeristy of Kelaniya by leading as the first Microsoft Club in a state University of Sri Lanka.
Hosted a Azure Machine Learning Workshop in University of Kelaniya from MS Club. Key Speaker was Mr. Dinesh Asanka.(MVP)
Hosted a Visual Studio 2019 Launch in University of Kelaniya from MS Club. Key Speaker was Mr. Dinesh Asanka.(MVP)
Conducted an event on Imagine Cup global competition
Delivered a Session on Azure Custom Vision with Logic Apps at the Global AI Bootcamp ๐ฑ๐ฐ
First Research Publication at 4th International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Science - IRSPASS 2019
Starting a new position as a Software Engineer at Creative Software, Sri Lanka
Certified as an Azure Developer Associate by Microsoft
My Second Research Publication at International Research Conference in Smart Computing & Systems Engineering
Microsoft Learn Student StudentAmbassador Award
Certified as an Azure DevOps Engineer Expert by Microsoft
Delivered a session on Cloud Computing and MS Azure to Undergraduates
Bachelor of Science Honours in Management and Information Technology
Specialized in Information Technology with a Second Class Upper Division. (GPA 3.45/4.00)